A wedding, a quilt and a broken finger!

What a wild week this has been! We started the weekend off with the long anticipated wedding of my cousin, Allison, and her finance’ (now husband), Chris.  My youngest daughter, Leah, was a junior bridesmaid and the wedding was held at The Liberty Hotel in Boston which once was a jail house.  The hotel has kept the jail theme alive and somehow made it glamorous!  The cocktail hour was held along one of several cat walks that formerly held prison cells.  The lounges inside the hotel are aptly named The Clink and Alibi! The hotel even has bars on the windows.  We received complimentary champagne upon checking in which surely is not what the inmates of this jail house probably received at the time of their “check in” long ago.  Click here to see the hotel’s website, it’s interesting to check out.  Here are a few pictures from the wedding.

My daughter Leah…


Allison and Leah…

Inside The Liberty…

Outside of The Liberty…

Allison had framed several of the guests wedding photos and had them on display…I love this idea!

My aunt was sporting this darling purse that was made by my step-grandfather from plastic canvas…it was sooooo pretty!

Sunday we recovered from the wedding and yesterday just as I was getting back into the swing of things for quilt work, the phone rang and it was the school nurse telling me my middle daughter, Lindsey, had hurt her finger in gym. I arrived at the school to a sobbing Lindsey and indeed she had broken her left, pinky finger. 🙁

Took the poor girl to the doctors and the hospital and now she has a splint for two weeks which of course includes the weekend of her dance recital and multiple costume changes…never a dull moment!

And in the middle of that, I finished the church quilt top for the week. I like the colors but I’m unhappy that the printed panels were skewed on the background fabric making it impossible to have them line up straight. I did the best I could and hopefully it will serve the purpose of keeping someone in a shelter warm at night…

So that’s my week thus far! I am hoping to have another videocast out on Thursday!
Have a super day!


2 responses to “A wedding, a quilt and a broken finger!”

  1. Hi Sandi, Your daughter Leah looks just like You! She’s so pretty in that dress! I’m sorry about Lindsey’s pinky, hope She’ll be OK with all the dance recitals! The hotel looks amazing, thanks for sharing the pictures!

    • Thanks Kati! My daughter loved being in the wedding. She really got a lot of attention…I’ll have to slowly bring her back to reality this week! LOL!

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