What Is A Pantograph In Quilting?

What is a pantograph in quilting?








Have you ever wondered what the heck a pantograph is in quilting? Before I became a long arm quilter, I really had no idea. I didn’t know that a pantograph was how you achieved beautiful edge to edge quilting until I started poking around the internet to try to learn what the term meant.

To put it very simply, a pantograph is a 12′ long sheet of paper with a design printed on it.  A long arm quilter will use a laser light attached to the long arm machine to trace the design. As the design is being traced with the light, the machine needle is actually stitching that design on to the quilt top.








I often hear quilters say that they can’t picture how it all works. I thought I’d share a short video clip with you that my husband filmed while I was stitching with a pantograph. In the video, it appears there are two red laser lights but there was only one. The video was just catching it at a weird angle. Keep in mind that I am standing at the rear of the long arm machine and I am using my rear handle bars. A long arm machine can be equipped with both front and rear handle bars so that the quilter can do custom work in the front and pantograph work in the rear.

Here is a picture of me at the rear of the machine. As you can see, the quilt top is laid out on the rollers in front of me.







And here is the video…

Here is a detail shot of the stitching…







And the whole beautiful quilt. My student, Nancy, pieced together this gorgeous quilt top. You can see all that awesome edge to edge quilting on it.







There are literally thousands of designs available as paper pantographs and also as digital ones. Some long arm machines have a computer attached that will guide the stitching without an actual person manning the handle bars. Pantographs are also available as a tear away product where you can put the paper on your quilt with basting spray, stitch through the paper, and then tear the paper away revealing the stitched design. Quilt shops locally and online carry pantographs. The paper pantographs are reusable.

I hope this helps you to understand what a pantograph is in quilting. Pantograph designs are my favorite way to quilt. The designs are beautiful and the result is always great!

Please visit my website, Quilt Cabana Patterns, for more information on long arm service.


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