Episode 49 Art Challenge Is Recorded! Here are the details…

I just recorded episode 49 of Quilt Cabana Corner where we talk about Step Into Your Art 2019 which is the new art quilt challenge for 2019 hosted by yours truly! Give a listen at the link below or on iTunes in a bit when it cycles its way into the iTunes universe.


If you don’t feel much like listening but want info on the art challenge, here it is…

Step Into Your Art 2019 is open to anyone. There will be a new challenge introduced each month. It is meant to challenge us to ‘up our game’ with art type quilts. The piece can be any size and use any supplies, it can be finished by the end of the month or not…no quilt police here. I have started a closed Facebook group called Step Into Your Art 2019 that you can request to join through my Quilt Cabana Patterns Facebook business page. This is where we will post any ideas, pictures, encouragement, etc. It will be the homebase for the challenge. If you are not on Facebook and want to show your work, please email it to me and I will upload it to the FB page. In addition to posting our projects, I ask that you write a few sentences about your work and the inspiration for it as well as supplies/techniques you used.

The theme for the January challenge is…drumroll….Light The Way. Think sunsets, sunrise, spirituality, who do you light the way for, who lights it for you, nature, etc………..In addition to this theme, think about whether you might like to work in a series for it…maybe work the first quarter of the month using the same supply, thought process, color scheme, etc. The challenge for January ends on Jan. 31st. Please note these should not be full traditional quilts though you may use an element of a traditional quilt like a pinwheel or flying geese unit…just not a full traditional type quilt. Open your mind to exploring your artsy side!

The books we talked about in the podcast were Circe, Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine, Michael Hyatt’s Your Best Year Ever. The Mel Robins challenge is MindsetReset. My gift of the year is The Big Board. Great price on Amazon!

Send me comments and questions!
Post contains Amazon affiliate links for your ease in finding what was discussed. These links also help support the podcast..or maybe will someday…I’ve yet to make any income from them, lol!! They tell me that’s how it is supposed to work.
