A Month Of Surprises

Happy November! The colorful leaves seem to be long gone and now Thanksgiving is right around the corner! It’s been a fast month so far and one full of surprises around here. The biggest one came last week when we took our little bunny, Ginny, to the vet to be spayed only to find out that Ginny actually needed a neuter! Surprise!! Ginny survived the experience and is doing quite well this week…back to eating and drinking and being the cutest bunny ever. We’re still getting used to new pronouns. It takes a little practice but we get it right a little more each day.









Another surprise this month was that I broke two irons in the same week! If you’ve been following along with me for any length of time, you probably know that I am in an eternal search for a good iron that does’t leak, gets hot enough to press cotton well, and is at a decent price point. My past irons have included brands such as Rowenta, Panasonic, Continental, and Black & Decker. After spending a fair amount of time reading reviews, I decided to go with a lesser known brand at $40 price point. I have opted for a Martisan iron and so far (it’s only been about 10 days or so), I am pleased with it.









It of course doesn’t hurt that it’s red and I’m in a big red phase right now. I am opting to not put water in it right away but to use a spray bottle instead. I can tell you that when it arrived, it had some residual water in it and when I hit that steam button it really let out a blast. So that being said, the no water rule might be broken fairly soon.

Yet another pleasant surprise was to see Leah organizing fabric for a charity baby quilt she is making. She doesn’t have a lot of down time each week as she spends 16 hours a week in dance studios through the Nutcracker season. It really just thrilled me to see her touch fabric!









My students have been busy as well. The finishes on the Jacob’s Ladder quilt a long projects are trickling in. Sharyn finished hers up this week.








I have two seams left on mine and once I’m done, I’ll post a picture.

Carol finished her first ever quilt top and later this week, we’ll work on getting it quilted! Didn’t she do a fantastic job?









I was happy to be featured in my guild’s newsletter this month!










Please take a minute to comment and let me know what you all have been working on and what questions you might like me to answer in an upcoming blog post or video. I’d love to hear from you.

And if you are local to East Bridgewater, MA and are interested in private quilting lessons, please contact me at colwellsg@comcast.net and you can find the info on the website.

If you need long arm service, don’t forget to check out that information on the website.

You can find all of my patterns for sale on Craftsy.

(this post contains an Amazon affiliate link)
