Last Week’s Fun Class Day!

Last Friday was our bargello class day around here. We had a fun morning stitching the hours away and learning about the technique of bargello quilting. Though we needed a few more hours, we learned enough to continue on our own. The machines were humming all morning and I ran back and forth to do the pressing! There sure were some beautiful batik jelly rolls being used…








The samples we were looking at included a blue and yellow wall hanging my mom had made several years ago…









The brown batik wall hanging I made in January…









And the bargello jacket that my mom also made from a pattern that uses a sweatshirt as the base. Isn’t it beautiful?









Here is everyone stitching the strips together…








My mom working on hers…









And everyone learning how to slice their fabric stratas to put together the bargello design…








My mom’s strata being sliced up…









Priscilla sent me this picture of her bargello half done! She left my house and got right to work on her own. I just loved the colors she chose…









And we of course had snacks and a lot of laughs!

So I’m dying to see how everyone’s turned out! I’m sure more pictures will be forthcoming. There’s something so wonderful about having a sewing community to share all this with.



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