Church Fair Quilt Show/Thanksgiving Prep

Hey There,
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. We had a pretty busy one here that began on Friday night with an awesome Stomp performance by the music honor society that Amanda is in at school. The kids worked for weeks rehearsing and put on a great show! Saturday was filled with drama club in the morning, church fair all afternoon and then dinner with our good friends. Sunday most of us were back at church, Amanda had an opportunity to sit with a music mentor in the morning and then Lindsey, Leah and I saw Catching Fire with friends. Today I’m all about the Thanksgiving house cleaning!! I have done a lot of tidying up over the last few days and now I need a good vac, dust and floors washed.

I wanted to share a few pictures from the lovely quilt show part of our church fair. The sanctuary was set up with 50 quilt and needlepoint items. There was a nice booklet to follow along with as you walked through the room. I had 9 quilts on display. I heard from the woman running the quilt show that a lot of people were interested in the Project Hope art quilt. I had written in the booklet that there is a Flickr show for all of the Project Hope quilts. I hope they will be viewed again.

photo 1 (1)

photo 4 (1)

photo 3 (1)

photo 2 (1)

I hope you all have a wonderful and happy Thanksgiving!!


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