Workin’ On It Wednesday

Today is the day I post things I worked on all week. I spent most of my week either on the computer pattern writing or outside weeding…not too much actual quilting time happened. I also attended my nephew’s high school graduation Sunday which was very hot but fun!

Sometime around last Monday I started feeling that I really needed to get outside and weed. I kept thinking that if I didn’t get those garden beds cleaned out, I might as well not bother planting anything because the summer will be over before anything is ready to be harvested. I ended up going out two or three days for short amounts of time and got everything out back weeded. Saturday morning Greg rototilled the two vegetable gardens and on Saturday afternoon, Lindsey helped get everything planted.

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We tried to really only plant what we thought we could eat. In the end, we have 6 tomato plants (Roma and Cherry), 2 basil plants, 1 spearmint plant, 1 dill plant, green onions, 2 zucchini plants and 3 pumpkin plants. We wanted to do bush cucumbers but the store we were at was out of them…will try again next year…we were late to the planting party!

Since I’m in the pattern writing mode at the moment, I can work on my own UFO list for a bit when I’m not on the computer. I pulled out this jelly roll race quilt from last summer to work on. I am currently working on the borders. The fabric is pretty but it’s not great quality. This was a cheap Walmart jelly roll that only had about 22 strips in it. I am really having to make up for that with wide borders. Regular jelly rolls have about 44 strips in them. This was my first attempt at a jelly roll race quilt and it’s staying here at my house so I’m not too obsessed about the end result. I really had just wanted to try one and I’m glad I did because the Christmas one that was from Moda strips is also waiting for borders and I did a much better job piecing it. Here is the Walmart one….

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The kids are nearly done with school and so homework is dwindling, projects have wrapped up and it seems a bit slower around here in the evening. I’ve been plagued with headaches lately though and it makes me want to do nothing at night. Today I cut my caffeine a little, didn’t allow myself any Advil for any reason and drank tons of water. I hope that helps because these headaches are starting to bring me down. Sometimes when I have multiple headaches in a week, I feel like all I’m doing is taking Advil and Naratriptan and that is surely having a rebound effect. I think the running will help though.

Speaking of which, I wrapped up Couch To 5K Week 6 this morning! It was a 15 minute run then a 5 minute run with 3 minutes of walking in between plus the minutes of warm up and cool down walking. Friday is the start of my week 7 and it is a straight 20 minute run with nothing in between. I am very much looking forward to it because I don’t like stopping in between runs. I feel like I can’t get with it on the second run even if it’s only a few minutes.

As I mentioned above, I am working on turning the 12 projects that I made over this school year into patterns. They are adorable and I am finally working with a distributor to get these out! More details as they come out over the summer. I’m SUPER excited about these!!!!!!

Have a great night! Go Bruins! Sadly, I’ll have to miss my husband yelling and screaming at the tv tonight as I’ll be at a church Finance Committee meeting….LOL.


One response to “Workin’ On It Wednesday”

  1. You’ve got a lot of things done Sandi even though you can’t show everything. The plants look great, our tomatoes started to turn yellow already! 🙂
    Hope your headaches will give in and move on to leave you to be able to do things you want. Congratulations on finishing week 6! I agree with you on the stopping, I found it easier to run when I don’t stop in between. But on the other hand it’s not so good for my knees. Joints have to get used to the pounding and distance.
    I like the fabrics in the JRR quilt, the colors are so pretty!

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