Workin’ On It & Thankful & Stuff

My posting schedule is bit messed up these last two weeks. I thought maybe getting on a regular schedule would be helpful and it has been to a point. Sometimes I think I’ll post something and then I make myself wait until the appropriate day and that feels a bit stifling. So anyway…
The latest podcast is up. It is episode #28. Click Here For It.
The research question is to simply tell me your quilting story. Why you like to quilt…it can be a short or long response…your choice but leave me a comment so we have stuff to talk about next episode! LOL.

So for progress this week, I did a lot of this…

This of course being pebble free motion stitching and it takes quite a bit of time and patience even though my piece was small. This is the same under wraps project from last week.

On the snow day (Friday), the kids did this…

And I set up the sewing machine on the kitchen table and pieced this…(my church quilt for the week)

Leah and I also made a few bears.

I can’t remember what else I worked on this week so I’ll move on to Thankful Thursday. I am very thankful for the fun time I had with my mom this week. She came down on Monday afternoon and we went to see Sue Nickels at quilt guild. The next day we did some online shopping for fabric and thread and then went out for lunch. It was very fun.

Leah and I went to the ice cream store as a treat before her math tutoring session on Monday and this sign was hanging. I thought it was adorable…had to share…

I did sign myself up for a yoga class tomorrow morning. Hoping I like it and it will help my back…

I think that’s it for the week. To hear more about the Sue Nickels guild visit, listen to the podcast this week.



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