Trash to treasure…

As some of you know already, my family and I spent Saturday at yard sales and the Antique Mall in Pawtucket, RI. I wasn’t sure if my family was going to be over excited about the Antique Mall but as it turns out, they were! I have so many pictures to share that I’ll probably break this down into several blog posts this week and I’ll talk about it in the next podcast.

The second yard sale we stopped at was the home of a quilter who was moving! She also was into scrapbooking and crochet. She definitely was a girl after my own heart! She had bins of fabric that she was willing to let go for $20 a bin. I thought about snagging a bin or two but then decided to take a minute and actually sort through the fabric and pick pieces that I knew I would use. She had fat quarters and some half yard pieces of decent looking fabric. She also had a large piece that is about 3 yards of a very cute sea horse print.

I came home with this for $8.

I also came home with a beautiful crochet book. There are so many awesome afghans in this book but I really fear they are way above my skill level. I couldn’t help but take it home though for $1.

And I also managed to snag a wrought iron wine rack for my dining room which has a Tuscan theme. Couldn’t go wrong for $5.

Next up we headed to the Antique Mall. The website described it as having two floors and 200 vendors. I couldn’t wait. When we pulled up to it, it didn’t seem like it was very big.

Once we were inside we could see it was fairly large. The two floors were the main floor and a huge basement. The kids cracked me up because they were texting me as they found sewing items as they strolled around looking for their own treasures. Each of us was looking for something different. I was after sewing items and anything that screamed 1970 in terms of kitchen dishes and kitsch.
Greg was after sports related items and bar items. Amanda was after vintage cameras and music items. Lindsey was interested in drums and purses. Leah was after Disney items and toy type things.

Here are a few of the sewing machines I came across. The red toy one was a Neechi that they were asking $48 for – it stayed at the store.
The American Girls sewing machine was going for $79. That stayed there too. In fact, the only sewing machine I came home with was the cute wooden stand with storage in it. I loved this and couldn’t leave without it. There were a few old Singers there but nothing that I wanted. I did bring home an old iron that was painted black and meant as a door stop. I got it for $12 which was good considering some of the other ones I saw were going for $25.

I ran across these pretty hexagon table toppers that were made out of silk! They were sold as a pair for I think maybe $30…could be more, I saw a lot of price tags that day! These were beautiful.

Tomorrow I’ll post more pics of what else came home with us. For now I have to get to work!


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