Wish you could have joined us…

My family spent a beautiful weekend in Maidstone, Vermont with friends and we relaxed by the gorgeous Maidstone Lake. The weather was perfect, the company couldn’t have been better and we just enjoyed ourselves as we have for the last 3 years! I did manage to get some knitting and Sashiko done in between boat rides and eating and being silly.

This was our stunning view each day…someone got their foot in the photo! LOL!

Are you jealous yet?

This pretty lakeside home is owned by my friend Jill’s family and they spend a lot of time here in the summer and the winter. In the colder months they pull out the snow mobiles and ride across the lake.

While I was there, Jill’s step mom pulled out a quilt that she was in the process of hand quilting. It was a beautiful patchwork that her great grandmother had started. The fabrics were vintage looking shirtings and calicos. It was done largely in warm, earthy tones. I was fascinated with it when Lida pulled it out and didn’t think to snap a picture until we had it all folded and put away. I said I would get the photo the next day and then we were so busy packing, I forgot. How sad!

Today is Greg’s birthday and we’ve been down to Plymouth by the water for lunch and now I have more Vermont laundry to do!

I did finally receive my little toy sewing machine…more on that and a photo later in the week.

I’ll also be back to the doctor’s office for my hip/back. I’m hoping they’ll schedule an MRI this time and get to the bottom of it. I noticed Bonnie Hunter is having the same issue and thanks to her MRI, she has an answer and a plan of action. Keeping my fingers crossed that I will too!

Enjoy your Tuesday evening everyone…


2 responses to “Wish you could have joined us…”

    • Hi Katie,
      We really did have so much fun. It’s a beautiful place and we’re lucky to get to tag along up there! My friend, Jill, is headed back up this weekend so maybe she can email me a picture of the quilt and then I can share it.
      Hope you are having a great summer and staying cool!

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