Iphone Camera Lenses & A New Recipe

This was such a fun and relaxing weekend for my family!  Friday night we watched The Help which was an amazing movie.  I had read the book and I think having done that I appreciated the movie more than my husband and oldest daughter although they both liked the movie.  I could tell my husband was getting fidgety towards the end as it was a long one!  Viola Davis and Emma Stone are such great talents!

Saturday we set out for a day of shopping and a dinner out at Toby Keith’s I Love This Bar & Grille.  We splurged a bit and all came home with special purchases.  As you can imagine the teen and preteen wanted clothing and music and my youngest wanted a new Lego set.  I came home with a set of Olloclip camera lenses for my iPhone!!! I’ve been dying to get these lenses since I saw a beautiful picture my photographer friend, Tina, took with her lenses.  In fact, Tina has a really nice blog and you should check it out here.

So these little lenses slide right onto the iPhone (you do have to remove your phone case to use them).  The set comes with 3 lenses for about $70.  The included lenses are a macro lens, wide angle lens and a fish eye lens.  Here are some pictures I took with the lenses. I don’t know why the blog is putting so much space between photos…I can’t seem to fix it…sorry about that.

The first two pictures are with the macro lens on my daughter’s cactus.












































The next one is the fish eye lens…thought it would be neat to have a picture of the fish with the fish eye setting.






















The next two show the wide angle lens. The first photo is without the lens, the second one is with the lens.

























I think the lenses are pretty neat! You can find them at the Apple Store and on Amazon.

If you are looking for a tasty meal this week, check out the recipe section on this blog under Main Dish for a Basil Chicken recipe that it soooo yummy.  It’s best made with fresh basil but dried works too!

Click here for recipe.

I am off to get my sewing machine to behave!  It wasn’t behaving on Friday while I tried piecing more card trick blocks.  I’ll go change the needle and rethread everything as that usually solves most problems!

Have a fun day today and happy quilting!





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