TGIF Baby!

It’s Friday! Yahooooo!!!

This will be a very busy weekend for my family as the big music show is going on tomorrow…I should say two shows…there is an afternoon one and an evening one.
Amanda and Lindsey are in both shows. Lindsey has a solo to sing and she is in the review of Fiddler On The Roof as the beggar. We spent a few days this week getting her costume pieces together. It’s tough for her to remember she isn’t “supposed” to be pretty in this part, she’s a male beggar!!! LOL.

Amanda is the piano accompaniment for Fiddler On The Roof as well as the Cinderella review. She also is playing piano for the finale piece and two other pieces. She is also playing flute for the flute choir and the concert band. This music school has presented her with so many opportunities across all genres of music. The director is a blessing in her life. Truly.

So today is all day rehearsals…back and forth, back and forth. Thank goodness my mom is coming to hang out with Leah who likes nothing to do with being carted to rehearsals for something she doesn’t want to be involved with…now if it were dance, she’d be all over it! To each, her own.

The music quilt I made will be raffled off tomorrow night too.

This is what I’m trying to do in between taxi-ing….getting the quilting done on this quilt.


I want to pass along to you that Green Fairy Quilts has their precuts on sale with free shipping….go and check it out…

Give-away stuff coming…haven’t had time to type the post this week…I promise I’ll get to it very soon…..



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