Tag: longarm

  • A Fun Foot, A Finish, A Christmas Quilt

    Lately I noticed that I am having trouble coming up with titles for my blog posts! Now I just list out what I’m planning on sharing with you all. Kind of lame but it gets the job done, lol!! So let’s unpack the blog title item by item… I saw a very cool presser foot […]

  • A Great Week For Quilts And Socks!

    This was a better week for our family for sure! Amanda is all better and back to school and Leah is feeling a bit better too. It was a little hard to get back into the groove of normal life but it felt good once we were doing it! Tuesday was the first day everyone […]

  • New Projects, New Bunny

    Hey there, This is turning out to be a great week for getting things done in my own little crafty world. I often struggle with myself over my own perceived lack of productivity but in reality, we’re all just doing the best we can with the time we have in a day. Not everything is […]