Progress on Tumbler Quilt

I’ve been getting up early to work on my Tumbler quilt for the last few days.  I cut the pieces on Friday afternoon and have been steadily stitching pieces and rows together.  I really love the fabrics and the fact that the pieces are very accurate (thanks to Accuquilt).  Those who listen to the  podcast know that I’ve had some accuracy problems with the machine.  This particular die has been terrific.  I currently have two rows left to join and then I need to decide on a border.  This quilt will go in the living room when it’s finished.

I finished up a Halloween wall hanging last week as well and I’m happy to say you can all see that in McCall’s November issue of Quick Quilts!

It’s school vacation this week so I guess my quilting will be limited to what I can accomplish in the mornings!

Happy Sewing!
