Monday Musings

That was the best post title I could come up  this morning!! I thought about, “Hey, Has Anyone Seen June?” or “Where The Heck Did The Month Go?” but those didn’t seem very exciting. Lol!!

So, it’s Monday and in the face of a mountain of laundry after a super busy weekend and another week of errands, appointments and getting ready for the holiday, I feel like…well, like…I’m never going to quilt again (never mind podcast or design something new)! From the look of a few Twitter posts this morning from fellow small craft business owners/stay at home moms, I’m not alone in this feeling today.  It must be the summer reality hitting.  I read some other blog posts this morning on keeping up with social media and how to utilize every minute of the day and honestly, it just made me tired.  I know I’ll strike a balance somehow this summer but you’ll just have to bear with me for a bit until I find my summer rhythm.

The quilt I would like to work on the most right now is the Lindsey Project. I left off at this stage…

photo 1 (7)

I also would like to pick up the work on the Window Pane 9 Patch. This quilt will go into my Etsy store as a finished item.

I have several design ideas in my head and several patterns that just need to be drafted into the right format for pattern selling.

I am waiting to hear back on a few submissions. If accepted, I need to actually construct those quilts as they were submitted as ideas in EQ7 form.

The girls had their music show this weekend…It was the show where the Double Slice Layer Cake was raffled off…

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It went home with a happy winner!

The girls also came home as happy winners! Amanda was the winner of the Spotlight Award which recognized her many accomplishments at the music school as well as at the high school.

photo 1

Lindsey was the winner of the Student Of The Year award for consistently putting in extra effort all year long!

photo 2

Both the girls also received medals and certificates for the instruments they play and for theater.
It was an amazing and fun filled evening. Greg and I are so incredibly proud of them.

Have a beautiful Monday!


4 responses to “Monday Musings”

  1. congratulations to the girls for their accomplishments. No wonder you are proud of them. Congratulations to you and your husband cause you have done lots of hard work ferrying them around to rehearsals, lessons etc… and paying for it all too. Well done everyone. I love your quilt that you are working on. Its gorgeous

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